As we draw nearer to the end of another tumultuous year both personally and in the world, I found myself wondering, is life just a game of chance, dependent on how you play the cards you have been dealt..?

Well, clearly there are some things we cannot control: governments, world climate, inequality and bigotry. What we can control are our own attitudes to whatever touches us personally and in some instances at a distance. My family has chosen to make a difference with the #ThePlatterProject, raising just over R300 000.00 in our first year, which has been distributed between wild-life conservation and children needing assistance with health/education, we will carry on to greater heights next year.

(We recently ran a giveaway competition on #ThePlatterProject, which proved to be very successful and fun! See the link ( for a clip of the draw we did for #PPGiveaway22815323_1950486765190371_4981869530999931265_n)

I believe that M has only three tests to complete to check if he is fit enough to donate a kidney.  This will happen on th 14thNovember. If, by some miracle, he passes all of those, our combined results are sent to the Dept of Health for approval for me to go ahead with desensitization .This approval could take one to three months…. After that, desensitization follows. This procedure has an 80% success rate overseas, but is not commonly done here, because of the expense. As my doctor told me I am unmatchable (I did tell him I took that as a compliment…Haha), I have no choice but to take the desensitization route or slowly fade away on dialysis…. Not really my style.

A few nerve-wracking months ahead, but I have chosen to look beyond that to what more we can do to better saving our planet and helping children, when I am back on my feet after the transplant. Let’s all take a combined breathe and see what we can do to make the world a better place…. It’s cumulative you know; a smile, a kind word, a small practical gesture, a life saving procedure… have a good day all and take care. Love and best wishes, Di, Legh, Kit and Dave. xxxx