F08AF141-F5BA-4ED0-853D-6493F2E26847.jpegDear All

Well, it is trying to rain in Jhb, which is promising. I have eventually received a second letter from the Prof to resubmit to my medical aid to get authorization for M’s work up tests . I am fortunately on a private medical aid, and have the added benefit of very competent admin staff to support me, but even they find itustrating having to go through the correct channels.  Should I have not received authorization for M by the end of next week, I will be paying my medical aid company a visit in person.  Time is very much of the essence as we near the end of the year.

To be honest, it feels like I am sitting in a little dinghy in the middle of a rather large ocean… anything can go wrong at any time, so you have to temper your hope and excitement with rationalizing the possibilities: M may have an, as yet, unknown medical problem, which would immediately count him out, the medical aid may not see fit to grant authorization, which would set me back a few weeks, M could change his mind, I could catach an infection, anything could happen, and all this BEFORE the department of health has granted permission for the desensitization to take place.

Last week, a patient who had received a transplant about 3 months ago, unfortunately passed away.  Although the doctors try their absolute hardest, things do not always go according to plan and it is unsettling.

I try to focus on the positive…. like my little 16 year old second cousin, who managed to sign up FIFTY new potential donors in one day at an event at school and her little sister, bless it at 8 years old, who saw fit to write about me as her hero for keeping my head up and fighting the good fight to get a kidney transplant and a chance to see my kids marry and produce grandchildren.

As an aside, you may remember my cousin had a transplant last year in March (from his wife…. the odds were  a 1% chance of a match). He is doing excellently and his wife, who is probably in her late 40’s (hope she doesn’t kill me for saying that!!!) has just completed her first half marathon, POST DONATING HER KIDNEY to her husband, how’s that for a positive outcome??  I hope the next time I write, it will be either that I have stood on someone’s foot rather heavily at the the medical aid company or, hopefully, that approval has been received, and M can start his tests…. until next time. Please cross your fingers and toes, pray or send out that positive energy, I have so much to do still!!

love Di, Legh, Krist and David. xxxx