Hi all.

Quick update from me (Legh).

My mom is still in hospital and will hopefully be discharged next Friday.

Her Hemoglobin is not stabilizing. Doctor has suggested that it is the toxins in the cysts in her kidney (as a result of the Poly-cystic kidney disease) that are inhibiting the synthesis or ‘making’ of new blood/hemogobin from her stem cells in her bone marrow.For this reason she will be receiving her 9th and 10th transfusion tomorrow.

Secondly, her doctor has made the call to remove her second kidney in an operation termed a nephrectomy. This is the last resort and unfortunately we have reached it. Her need for a transplant is even greater once she has the other kidney removed. Her procedure is booked for 27th July at 7pm.

On the transplant front, we have to wait six weeks post operation to let her body return to normal and then we will re-take blood for the ‘paper match’ with Jill that was done previously to make sure all the transfusions have not compromised the precious match. If it has we will need to find a new possible living donor.

For this reason, I encourage you to share this post.

Mom, is in good spirits. She has fought this battle like a brave African lioness. We are continuing to ROAR and ask you do too.

Love from all us Wilkies.
