Hi All

I’m beginning to heartily dislike that word, it makes my hair stand on end.

Anyway, at last, good news. The Department of Health has finally approved my transplant (I was told it would take about 6 weeks, so by the time 12 had elapsed, I was close to complete bucket case status). Even having a positive attitude, being relatively strong emotionally, and having a wonderful support system, couldn’t fight of the beginning of doubt by week 9: Will they decline it? Why is it taking so long? Because of desensitization has it been put in file 13? Have they lost the file?

It was a total nightmare, mentally and emotionally for me and those close to me from week 9 – 12. I went to a dark and terrifying place and barely staggered through each day. After we received the joyous news the transplant had been approved, we were quickly slapped into line again as we were informed that Discovery had to now approve my medical aid…again.  New year.  I must confess, I nearly went into cardiac arrest……last year took 3 months. Anyway, 2 weeks later (today) we received that all important, invaluable authorization.

From here, the docs book out a date for the transplant to take place and work backwards on the sessions of desensitization…. 4 hours of dialysis followed by 4 hours of plasma exchange with medicine to suppress my antibodies.  The docs will do this day on, day off until and IF they can get my antibodies to match M’s, my donor. This could take anywhere between one and 3 weeks and then the transplant will follow immediately if all is good.  M’s doctor will of course do a few final tests on him, prior to transplant as the whole mantra of the transplant unit is “Don’t damage the donor”.

My most saving grace is that not once, have I ever doubted my donor nor his life partner’s commitment to this process. As human beings, they are both… well… indescribable. I am not out the woods yet, but at least we have a plan, the best doctors in the world and lots of prayer, love, positive energy and laughter, what more could we need?! We thank you all and hope that someone, somewhere is learning something from my journey, as this is the purpose of the blog. Lol Di, Legh, Kit and David. xxx