Hi Everyone

Thank you for your continued interest in this blog. We have the attitude of: if we can save even one person’s life with our educational efforts, it will be worth it.

I am pleased to report that I really am much better at present and not being consumed by continual infections that were slowly killing me. Monday’s aren’t great, because by missing dialysis for two days, the nurses have to remove about three litres of fluid, (that’s like urinating one loooooong effort at once!) and my body takes strain…. bad headaches which bring on the nausea, so I’m usually (wo)man down one Mondays.

However, the rest of the week, I am now painting furiously for the #The Platter Project where we aim to auction my artistic efforts for organ donation and wildlife conservation. My kids are on board in every way, how much luckier could I be??

In an extraordinary turn of events, while we wait for Jill’s and my blood test results ((I could turn skeletal in the process) two men whom we know, have both come forward as potential donors! They are both O Positive, and they have started preliminary tests to check they are fit and healthy enough to donate. The transplant unit’s mantra, quite rightly, is “Don’t damage to the donor.” We’ve known both men for years, both are local. The ninth and tenth attempts to get a kidney….. how strange life is and what posts await here?

We wish you a good week, hopefully warmer than Sunday in South Africa! With much love Di, Jill and kids xxxx