Hi folks

Well, not much action at the moment, except to tell you that, in spite of expecting to flop around the house like a flailing fish after leaving hospital, I have been almost bouncing off the walls!! My HB is stable at 11.1 which is fine for the removal of the other kidney on 27 July and I have been painting as much as I can as it will be time out for about 10 days while in hospital.  To say I am surprised and pleased would be a gross understatement… who knows, against the odds after 9 transfusions, Jill and I might just match.

We will do the crucial blood test again about end of August.  I sometimes think I am being a bit indulgent writing this blog about my health when the world is literally exploding, but the fact of the matter is we are all given the precious gift of life and no-one is more special than any other human regardless of their status, race, financial position etc and if we can save one persons life because someone has taken action from reading this blog, it surely must be worth it? We knew at least 20 people personally who rushed off to give blood after Legh’s post, we were so delighted! Until next time, be safe and look after each other! Love Di xxxx