We have a match!

Speechless. Overwhelmed. Emotional. Grateful.

Few things to note:

Jill and my mom match on paper, we need to confirm this by mixing there bloods and confirming no reactions. This requires delivering a vial of blood from Vancouver to South Africa, which is the next step.

My mom has had blood transfusions since the last time she gave blood for matching. This could potentially complicate things.

Lastly, to ALL OF YOU… I cannot begin to put into words how grateful we are for your love, positive thoughts, Prayers, good energy, well wishes etc.. I firmly believe it drove this process. Please don’t stop now, we need it more than ever. Please SHARE, follow our journey and let us create the awareness Organ Donation so desperately needs.

To Jill, I have one word WOW.

Love Legh
