Progress!  I have an appointment at the hospital on Monday May 2 to have blood drawn for the all-important HLA crossmatch testing.

Because the world is a small place now, the results of these tests can be in South Africa almost as soon as the Transplant Program here gets them, and that will enable what is called a virtual crossmatch to be carried out by Di’s team.  Basically, it is a paper-based check of my body’s antibody profile against Di’s to see whether her body will reject my kidney.

As I have said to Di, now is the time to be crossing fingers, holding thumbs and touching wood, as well as praying to all gods.

The concept of “the more the merrier” is very appropriate right now, and I invite everyone reading this to also partake in these contortions and appeasements to karma on behalf of Di and I, to maximise the chance of the results being the right ones!

In the meantime, I will be making sure I drink lots of water so my veins are plump and full, and I will also be having quiet little chats to them about not being shy about needles, like the last time!
